Following the successful day last Sunday when 29 anglers caught 92 fish mainly on cormorants and candy boobies, the people fishing during the week also experienced good catch rates. During the week those anglers (totalling 26) landed 59 fish of which 28 were weighed in at 66lb 2oz. Again cormorants proved to be successful.
On Saturday, 4 May 23 anglers mainly from Gilmerton Fly Fishers and Falkirk Fly Dressers kept 49 trout for 115lb 6oz and a further 69 were released. The catching tactics for most was a midge tip washing line style using either cat or candy boobies and cormorants.
Other successful tactics included the use of floating lines with diawl bachs, buzzers and fabs.
Sunday saw 25 anglers weigh in 47 fish for 123lb 8oz with a further 56 fish being released. Again midge tip lines with buzzers and cormorants proved to be the correct tactics.
Although the water is very slightly coloured this is not detrimental to the sport being experienced by anglers and with over 2½ tons of fish stocked since the start of the season
and less than one ton caught there is plenty of fish in the water.
We continue to stock weekly.
We are now offering evening sessions and four hour sessions at £15 for catch and release and £20 for a two fish kill ticket. Weekend boats are also available.
To book either phone the loch directly at 01506 671753 or book on our Bookings page to ensure you are not disappointed.
Ricky Wilson