Over the last week the weather has cooled considerably and the winds have moved from the North back to the East. The loch normally fishes well in an east wind. Most anglers are still favouring lures due to the very large shoals of fry and stickle backs. A lot of angles are persisting in fishing over the deep water – in my opinion this is a waste of time. At this time of year the majority of our fish are lying round the margins. The guys who know the loch keep on the move and prospect for the grown on fish.
Last Sunday Aberdour AC were out and kept 16 fish for 49lbs. Balbeggie AC kept 22 for 62lbs. Regular bank angler George Murphy returned a beautiful brownie around 4lb. It is worth mentioning at this stage that the brown trout season ends today and any caught now must be returned as always.
On Monday Tam Easton returned five on a white cat and floating line. Mr Anderson on a four hour ticket returned two on ace of spades. Some guys from Grangemouth AC were out on Wednesday but only managed five fish for 14lbs.
On Friday Mr Sneddon returned nine on catch and release and Gavin Dunn kept three for 8lbs.
Clubs on Saturday did well. Wellington AC had 26 fish on catch and release mostly on black and green lures and black boobies and blobs. Favoured line was the midge tip. Thack AC had a mix of catch and release and kill but total catch was 29 fish. Ian Dobbie had two boats – one boat released 15 fish, the other six. Best flies were cormorants with FABS.
Thankfully the main batch of cormorants have not arrived yet – they will come.
We continue to stock regularly.
Anglers please note that the evening sessions are now finished for this season but will resume in May next year.
We are now offering four hour sessions at £15 for catch and release and £20 for a two fish kill ticket. To book either phone the loch directly at 01506 671753, e-mail linlithgowlochlodge@hotmail.com or go to our website www.fafa-linlithgowloch.org.uk and book on our Bookings page to ensure you are not disappointed
Graham Laurie