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Linlithgow Loch Catch Report - 20/06/2022 – 26/06/2022

There have been 38 boats out in the past week. There were 65 rods, 43 fish were kept, weighing 118 lbs, and 54 fish were returned, well seeing the holiday season has started

It’s been quieter this week with the schools now finished for the summer and families going on holiday.

Anglers out during the week had some good catches, the best catches were by Mr Wevling keeping 3 fish for 7 lbs 8oz on Monday, on Tuesday Ian McLaren and his partner kept 4 fish for 10 lbs and returned 6 while Tam Easton and his partner Tam Anderson kept 4 trout weighing 12 lbs 4oz, returning 4 into the loch.

On Thursday, Mr McMann and his son managed to catch 1 rainbow for 3 lbs.

George Peline out on Friday returned 17 fish caught mostly on buzzers and few on fabs, Mr Innes fishing in the evening kept 4 fish for 15 lbs and returned 6.

On Saturday Nigel Muckle out with Last Cast AC returned 8 trout using his favourite Di3 with diawl bachs and crunchers, Nigel said the fish wanted small flies offered. Burcher Boy AC had mixed results, some boats were in early having caught their bags, (one angler having caught his 4 fish, one weighing 4 lbs – see photo), and their total catch of 19 rainbows weighed 46 lbs 14oz.

Sunday’s weather was a put-off, however, Gavin Dunn and Jimmy Russell decided to brave it and returned 4 fish, which is a lot less than they would normally return to the loch.

We still continue to stock on a regular basis as seen on our Facebook page

Boats are available on most days for a full day or 4-hour sessions but to avoid disappointment please call 01506 671753 or book online in advance.

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