Hi fellow anglers, some great catches since last Monday - Linlithgow Loch Catch Report – 28th March – 3rd April
There have been 27 boats out in the past week. There were 47 rods, 31 fish were kept, weighing 93lbs 9oz, and 200 fish were returned.
On Monday 28th we had a quiet day; however, Tuesday saw Ken Wood and partner keep 2 fish for 7lbs and return 9. Trevor Gibson didn’t have a good day only keeping 1 for 3lbs. Alister Fyvie with Gavin Dunn returned 6 trout, Mr Devlin out himself and Alan with Brian Tennant each returned 4 to the loch. From the bank, Francis Donnolly kept 2 for 9lbs.
On Wednesday Mr Stewart and his partner had a good day returning 9 fish and on Thursday, we had Mr Thompson put 6 fish back into the loch.
Friday’s anglers had a very good day – Mr Grant kept 1 for 2lbs 8oz, George Pellini returned 5, Ian McDougall and John McLean put back 4, Gavin Dunn and Robin Smith returned 7 while Ian Dobbie out with Jimmy Russell returned 20 fish.
Anglers out on Saturday included Pencaitland AC who had to drop 6 boats from their 10 booked due to covid and other reasons. They had a great day keeping 17 trout for 51lbs 9oz. Last Cast AC with 2 boats (they couldn’t fill their other boats, again due to covid and holidays etc) returned 24 fish, one weighing 5.5lbs. Mr Devlin was out again himself returning 6. Fishing from the bank Alan Tennant returned 4 while Mr McKenzie returned 1. Francis Donnolly out again kept 2 x 4lbs 8oz plus 1 at 3lbs – see photos.
Sunday gave Alistair McCotter his best day on the loch with 9 returned, one over 5lbs – see his post on our Facebook page. Ian Dobbie and George Pollini returned 20 between them some being good weights – see photos.
Alistair Fyvie with Jimmy Russell returned 15 fish giving Alistair with his 7 his best day fishing on the loch. Freddie Padden returned 5 trout as did Mark Lawton while Steven Burke returned 7 fish. Off the north bank, Alistair Golding had a great day’s fishing returning 9 beauties.
We still continue to stock on a regular basis as seen on our Facebook page
Boats are available on most days for a full day or 4-hour sessions but to avoid disappointment please call 01506 671753 or book online in advance.