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Linlithgow Loch Catch Report - 28/07/19

Very few anglers have fished the loch over the last seven days. The most successful of them was J Walker’s boat which caught seven fish for 21lb 13oz. Those fish were caught using a D1.5 line with either a fab or a black booby. Other successful flies have been buzzers, okay dokeys and cormorants. Several of those anglers have recorded trout of approximately 5 lb.

At this time of the season, for the first time in years, anglers can fish all areas of the loch as there is very limited weed growth and several boats have been successful travelling to the east end of the water. The policy at this time of year, when many of our regular anglers are on holiday/few clubs have bookings, is that stocking takes place every fortnight. However, we will return to our weekly stocking around the middle of August. Anglers who have bookings can be assured that there is in excess of 2,200 lb weight of stocked fish from this year in the water plus those fish which have over wintered.

Fishing permits are available for most days and evenings until the end of August and include four - hour catch and release sessions from £15 or four - hour two fish kill for £20. We also offer sessions which are priced from £36 (Monday to Thursday) or £38 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) for two anglers catch and release or £50 (Monday to Thursday) or £56 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) for two angler eight fish kill ticket.

To book either phone the loch directly at 01506 671753, e-mail or through our website

Ricky Wilson

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