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Linlithgow Loch Catch Report - 29/09/19

I am glad to report that water conditions on the loch are very good.   Clarity is excellent and only the Calflea area still has a bit of weed growth.   Even the shallow Peel Bay is quite fishable and producing fish.   There are vast shoals of fry and sticklebacks in all areas so most anglers are now fishing lures and cormorants rather than buzzers.   I noticed on Saturday that most of the boats were parked over the deeper water of Peel Bay.  If I was still able to fish I would be fishing the shallow eastern half of the loch where the majority of fish always feed at this time of year.

On Sunday 22nd, Balbeggie AC were out and had a good session keeping 23 fish for 69lbs.  This included several fish in the 4lb – 5lb range.  Loch regulars Jim Russel and Gary Hesletine both struggled and only managed one fish each.   George McIntosh kept two fine fish for 8lbs and his boat partner Ian McDougal returned a couple.

Andy Lumsden kept a four fish limit for 12lbs and Nigel Muckle returned three.  Bridge Inn AC were out on Saturday but recorded no fish.  Butcher Boys AC had a better day keeping 28 fish for 78lbs.  best lures were cat boobies and damsels.

Mr Walker and boat partner kept seven fish for 18lbs.  Best fly was cat booby.  Jim Mackie from Perth returned six on catch and release.   Jim was using mini snakes.

We continue to stock regularly.

Anglers please note that the evening sessions are now finished for this season but will resume in May next year.

We are now offering four hour sessions at £15 for catch and release and £20 for a two fish kill ticket.  To book either phone the loch directly at 01506 671753, e-mail or go to our website and book on our Bookings page to ensure you are not disappointed

Graham Laurie

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