The fishing on the loch over the last week has been very mixed. On Sunday Trevor Gibson had six for 19lb on buzzers while Craig Cowan fishing a fast slime line with a black rabbit had six on catch and release. No-one was out on Monday, but the few anglers who ventured out during the remainder of the week mainly struggled. Those who were catching were using boobies, blobs and rabbits on intermediate or D.1.3. lines.
Mr Glaseon managed eight on a humongous boobie while J Walker and partner had 14 using a D.1.3. and boobies. The anglers from Heriots Angling Club and the Ferry Fly Fishers all struggled in mixed weather conditions on Sunday – obviously not a reflection on their ability but to do with the atmospheric pressure.
We are confident that once the weather settles anglers will enjoy bumper catches as there is a full head of fish in the water. Everyone walking round the loch in the late evening is commenting on the number of fish they see breaking the surface of the water.
We continue to stock weekly.
We are now offering four-hour sessions at £15 for catch and release and £20 for a two fish kill ticket. Weekend boats are also available. Evening sessions are now available till end of August.
To book either phone the loch directly at 01506 671753 or book on our Bookings page to ensure you are not disappointed.
Ricky Wilson