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Linlithgow Loch Catch Report – 01/04/2024 – 07/04/2024

With the heavy rain and gusty winds there were only 16 boats out over the week, 5 fish were kept, weighing 14 lbs, and 27 fish were returned.

On Saturday Railway Inn FFC’s 4 anglers braved the winds and returned 9 fish, the most successful tactic was an intermediate and a slow glass line with black/green Fritz and mini snakes. Wellington AC with 3 boats came in before 1:30 due to the gusts of wind increasing kept 3 rainbows for 7 Lbs 2 oz and returned 9 using Di3 and ghost-tip lines, flies taking fish were cormorants, fabs and boobies.

Sunday saw Leslie & Glenrothes AC returning 5 trout, their tactics were using midge-tip lines with blobs and diawl bachs. Mr Taggart who was out for 4 hrs returned 2 trout weighing 3-4 Lbs, he caught his fish in Peel Bay using midge-tip lines with diawl bachs cormorants.

We continue to stock regularly as seen on our Facebook page

Boats are available on most days for a full day or 4-hour sessions but to avoid disappointment please call 01506 671753 or book online in advance.

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