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Linlithgow Loch Catch Report - 08/05/2023 – 14/05/2023

Successful lines for the week were Floating, M/tip, S/tip. Flies taking the most fish were Fabs, Buzzers / Muskins, Crunchers, black/green Lures, Cats, Cormorants, Damsels, Fabs / Blobs and Dries / Top Hats. The Loch water is still crystal clear at present.

There were 66 boats out over those days with 96 rods, 96 fish were kept, weighing 311 lbs, and 232 fish were returned.

Best catches for the week; Monday went to Stuart Sneddon out on his own released 8 Trout. Tuesday’s successful anglers were Gary Collins and partner returning 4 fish as did Ian Paul with his boat partner. Mr Graham netted and put back 5 fish. On Wednesday, Gavin Dunn had a cracking day returning 11 fish into the Loch. A quiet Thursday was made up on Friday with 18 boats going out, best catches for the day were by Robin Smith fishing with George Mackintosh returning 12 Trout, Andy Lumsden and partner kept 4 fish for 12 Lbs and returned 4, Mr McGrath with his friend returned 10 as did Mr Stirton and partner – they also kept 4 weighing 15 Lbs 12 oz – see photo of Mr Stilton’s 7½ Lbs Rainbow.

Evening anglers did well with Mr Innes keeping 4 for 14 Lbs and returning 2, Mr Niblo returned 5 and Karl Pholen returned 4 fish.

On a sunny Saturday IBM Freshwater AC’s 8 anglers kept 8 fish weighing 26 Lbs 4 oz and returned 40,

Earlston AC with 10 boats kept 30 fish for 89 Lbs 14 oz and returned 8, Saturday AC with 4 anglers kept 4 for 21½ Lbs and returned 8 fish. Brian Brogan and boat partner kept 2 for 6½ Lbs and returned 6 Rainbows, Jimmy Russell and George Bell kept 2 fish for 5 Lbs and put back 27 into the Loch. Ian Dobbie fishing alone returned 20 fish.

On Sunday we held our inaugural Spring Competition with 19 anglers out of 22 who entered turning up. Twenty-eight fish were kept weighing in at 85 Lbs 6 oz with 29 being returned. Prizes went to 1st Trevor Gibson 11 fish to the net, 2nd Jimmy Russell 6 fish to the net (first fish caught 9.25), 3rd Jim Mackie 6 fish to the net (first fish caught 12.25) and Craig Dalgleish (Heaviest Fish 4lb 12oz). Lots of fishing prizes were won in the raffle at the end of the day. Many entrants asked to put their names down for next year’s competition.

We continue to stock regularly as seen on our Facebook page

Boats are available on most days for a full day or 4-hour sessions but to avoid disappointment please call 01506 671753 or book online in advance.

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