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Linlithgow Loch Catch Report - 13/03/2023 – 18/03/2023

The best catches in the week went to anglers using Di3 Di5 and fast glass lines. Flies taking the most fish were Blobs, black/green Lures, Cats, Cormorants, Humungous, Minkies and Snake patterns.

There were 47 boats out over those days with 82 rods, 28 fish were kept, weighing 86 lbs, and 111 fish were returned.

The best catches during the week were by Alan McGregor on his own returning 4 fish on Wednesday. George Mackintosh on Thursday kept 1 fish weighing 5 lbs and returned 3 trout using a midge-tip, all taking a black/green lure. Friday saw Nigel Muckle returned 3 rainbows using a black/green humungous. George Pelini managed to return 2 fish - see photos, lost 2 and had a pike about 8 lbs.

George Mackintosh out again returned a 5 lb rainbow – see photo.

Mr Skedd fishing from the North bank kept 3 for 9 lbs and returned 2.

Saturday saw Heriots AC out 5 boats, keeping 4 for 11½ lbs, returning 17 including one at 7 lbs 2 oz, and, a Brownie around 4 lbs taken on size 12 black and green viva- see photo.

Mr Hepburn fishing alone returned 3 including 1 at 6 lbs. Waders AC with 2 boats out kept 9 fish weighing 30½ lbs and returned 5. Kelly’s Heroes fishing from 3 boats managed to return Kelly’s Hero’s Returned 15 trout top rod Dave Boland with 7. Mr Skedd after a good on Friday decided to fish from the bank again and returned 5 fish again plus a 12 lb pike.

Fishing on Sunday, Dunfermline Artisans kept 7 for 18 lbs 2oz and returned 3 Brownies. Edinburgh Post Office returned 17 fish, Jimmy Russell out with Gavin Dunn returned 8 rainbows, Scott McLachlan with Craig Cowan returned 5, Ian Dobbie returned 3 and Alastair Golding returned 5 from the bank – see photos

We continue to stock regularly as seen on our Facebook page

Boats are available on most days for a full day or 4-hour sessions but to avoid disappointment please call 01506 671753 or book online in advance.

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