The best catches this week again went to anglers using Di3 Di5 and fast glass lines. Flies taking the most fish were Blobs, black/green Lures, Cats, Cormorants, Dabblers, Dancers, Humungous, Minkies and Snake patterns.
There were 25 boats out over those days with 47 rods, 40 fish were kept, weighing 110 lbs, and 70 fish were returned.
The best catches during the week were by Owen Brogan and his boat partner Sandy who kept 2 fish for 5 lbs 12oz on Monday, Mr Graham returned 2 rainbows. Tuesday saw George Mackintosh and Ali Fyvie return 2 fish and Francis Donnolly from the bank keep 1 weighing 4½ lbs – in his words “a Topper”. On Thursday Marty Neilson returned 2 trout using an intermediate line and an Ally McCoist. Out on Friday George Mackintosh and Gavin Dunn kept 2 rainbows weighing 7 lbs using black/green lures.
Saturday saw Cowdenbeath AC out with 3 anglers keeping 4 for 11 lbs, returning 1 pike. Leslie & Glenrothes AC’s 6 anglers returned 18 fish. Kevin Johnston and his mate fishing for 4 hours kept 4 for 12½ lbs and returned a Brownie. Gartmore AC with 5 anglers returned 14 fish, Alistair Golding fishing from the bank returned 4 fish using a slow intermediate, black lure and fabs.
Fishing on Sunday, Falkirk Municipal AC with 5 boats kept 15 rainbows weighing 37 lbs 3 od returned 4 to the loch. Cupar AC with 3 boats kept 112 fish for 33 lbs and returned 3 brownies. Ali Fyvie out with Jimmy Russell had a good session returning 17 fish.
We continue to stock regularly as seen on our Facebook page
Boats are available on most days for a full day or 4-hour sessions but to avoid disappointment please call 01506 671753 or book online in advance.