There have been 70 boats out in the past week. There were 109 rods, 55 fish were kept, weighing 186 lbs, and 407 fish were returned. Best tactics were still floating, midge tip and slow-glass lines using buzzers/muskins, blobs, damsels, diawl bachs, cormorants and black/green lures.
On Monday 25th we had Mr Bamberry and A & B Tennant out pike fishing on the fly – 4 pike and 3 trout were returned. Mr Graham managed to release only 1 rainbow.
Tuesday saw 1 single angler out in boats releasing 2 trout. Mr Robertson and boat partner kept 3 fish for 10 lbs 10oz, Ron Thompson and his partner kept 4 for 12 lbs while S McDougall kept 4 rainbows for 17 lbs.
On Wednesday SPRAFFS East with 12 anglers had a good day on the loch returning 92 fish. Nigel Muckle out with Charlie McGrath had a great day returning 22 fish as did Tam Easton and his boat partner keeping 4 for 12 lbs and returning 24 into the loch. Oliver Sneddon out for a few hours with George Mackintosh kept 2 for smoking weighing 8 lbs, returning 2 fish - see his Facebook post and photos below.
On Thursday Tom Graham and Mr Stewart fishing themselves returned 14 and 15 rainbows respectively. Ian Dobbie out with his partner put back 32 fish. Fishing from the bank Francis Donnelly kept 3 fish for 6 lbs 8oz – see his Facebook post and photos.
Friday, we had Ian McDougall and nephew return 5. Mr Ritchie and partner, Andy Lumsden and his partner kept 4 fish for 12 lbs for each boat. Ian Dobbie out himself returned 9 fish.
Clubs out on Saturday included Falkirk Fly Dressers with 8 anglers returned 44, mostly on buzzers and fabs. Woodburn AC 9 anglers didn’t do so well returning only 6, K Bennet’s 8 anglers kept 8 rainbows weighing 25 lbs 12oz and returned 18. George Pollini out himself returned 12 fish to the loch.
On Sunday Dunfermline Railway AC had a good day’s fishing keeping 11 fish for 30 lbs 6oz, returning 8. Jimmy McClutchin out with his boat partner kept 6 for 16 lbs. Jimmy Russell with Ian Dobbie returned 31 fish caught using buzzers and muskins. Mr Appleton out on his own returned 6 rainbows. Saturday AC with 4 anglers kept 10 fish weighing 31 lbs 14oz and returned 4. Gavin Dunn and Ali Fyvie returned 7 between them. Bank anglers Alister Golding and G Murphy returned 30 fish between them using buzzers - see the photo below of one of Alister's biggest rainbows. Scott Paddon returned 5 from the bank.
We still continue to stock on a regular basis as seen on our Facebook page
Boats are available on most days for a full day or 4-hour sessions but to avoid disappointment please call 01506 671753 or book online in advance.