On Monday, 22nd Gavin Long was the most successful with a boat catch of 5 fish for 13lb. Those were caught using either buzzers or black and peacock flies. Tuesday saw only 15 fish caught by 11 anglers but Wednesday was much more angler friendly with 47 fish – 35 of which weighed 81lb 12oz. Thursday and Friday were again poor with a total of 27 fish netted by 18 fishers. Saturday proved to be very successful for those people fishing floating or midge tip lines with 91 fish caught. Best methods were cormorants, diawl bachs and buzzers using floating or midge tip lines.
We continue to stock weekly.
We are now offering four hour sessions at £15 for catch and release and £20 for a two fish kill ticket.
To book either phone the loch directly at 01506 671753 or book on our Bookings page to ensure you are not disappointed.
Ricky Wilson