Despite the high winds and heavy rain water clarity in the loch is very good. The south bank of town bay is always a bit murky when the wind comes in from the north but the rest of the loch is fine. Certainly, the weed is no problem as anglers have been finding a lot of fish have been found up at the top end between Ponsonby’s and the wee island known locally as Bear Island. Our intrepid due of Committee men George McIntosh and Iain MacDougall went up there for a couple of hours and returned seven fish all in the three to four-pound class. The interesting thing is that George was fishing standard wet flies – Kate McLaren and Bibios – on a floating line. The old ways still work.
On Friday Gavin Dunn returned two and Nigel Muckle five. T ownhill were out on a very warm Saturday and did very well under the circumstances to keep 28 fish for 66lb. On the same day Seafield AC kept seven fish for 18lbs and Prinlaws AC returned 11 on catch and release. Most of these anglers were fishing lures like damsels – cats and boobies. Evening boat Fred Paddel returned four on buzzers.
We continue to stock regularly.
We are now offering four hour sessions at £15 for catch and release and £20 for a two fish kill ticket. To book either phone the loch directly at 01506 671753, e-mail or go to our website and book on our Bookings page to ensure you are not disappointed
Graham Laurie