Due to the holiday season, relatively few anglers have been out on the Loch. However, we have not been helped by malicious statements appearing on social media suggesting that the Loch is closed for angling due to blue algae. This is completely untrue; the Loch is perfectly fish-able and some good bags of fish have been reported in recent weeks. The fish have mostly been taken on Buzzers, Snatchers and Diawl Bachs on floating or intermediate lines.
Some members of Blantyre & Bothwell AC kept 4 fish for 13lbs and returned 7 on catch & release on Cormorants. Farmers and Associates kept 18 fish for 46lbs and returned 4 on C/R mostly on Boobies. A fine Brownie of 4 lbs was returned. On the same day Mr Doyle returned 6 fish on C/R.
Regulars Trevor Gibson and Gary Heseltine returned 26 fish, all on Dennis the Menace Buzzers size 8. Carl Pholen returned 4 fish on hoppers.
Jim Russell was out on Wed and returned 3 fish including a superb Rainbow of between 8 – 9 lbs. Jim was fishing Buzzers.
David Hall kept his 4 fish and also reported a fish in the 8 – 9 lbs range.
Robin Smith and Jim Russell both returned 6 fish on Buzzers. Evening anglers from Falkirk Fly Dressers returned 9 fish with one around 4 lbs and another 6 lbs, best fly was a pink lure.
We look forward to the cooler weather and normal atmospheric pressures.
We continue to stock regularly.
We are now offering evening sessions also four-hour sessions at £15 for catch and release, and, £20 for a two fish kill ticket. To book either phone the loch directly at 01506 671753, e-mail linlithgowlochlodge@hotmail.com or go to our website www.fafa-linlithgowloch.org.uk and book on our Bookings page to ensure you are not disappointed.
Graham Laurie